Erosion Control Gallery
State Plant Hire has over 25 years industry experience in environmental engineering in erosion control and landslip works.
Some of our recent erosion control and landslip works can be seen below.

A birds eye view of Erosion protection works at Thompson Dam project on behalf of John Holland KBR JV and Melbourne Water. Project duration 10 weeks during winter, placing over 6000 tonnes of rock including construction of the access road to reach the work area.

Construction of sediment ponds and rock beached levee banks and overflow channel, Airport Drive Victoria for John Holland Group.
- View from the top of auxiliary spillway structure under construction, Army Camp Retarding Basin
- Gabion construction works in progress spillway structure walls, Army Camp Retarding Basin.
- Completed Auxiliary structure, showing Gabion Baskets and Reno Mattress spillway.
- Sediment ponds and grouted rockwork leveebank in foreground and a Gabion and Reno Mattress overflow spillway from the Raingardens at Airport Drive extension Melbourne Airport.
View our Statewide Rivers & Stream Management Website
We are a Quality Assured Company – Environmental Systems OH&S AS/ANZ4801 and members of the Civil Construction Federation and International ASN
Accredited to Perform Works for